Maggie has taken to spinning like a duck does to water! We were delighted when she came in to practice on the PYF spinning wheels.
Maggie started, like we all did on the drop spindle. The drop spindle is the most ancient of all spinning tools.
The drop spindle takes a bit of practice, but once you have mastered it, it's very hypnotic. Maggie developed an unstoppable creativity, collecting sheep fleece from her local farm and dying it with Kool Aid and spent printer ink cartridges, to get a range of dayglo colours.
After a few weeks of spindling, Maggie was ready to speed up the process and took to the wheel with ease. We enjoyed her chats over the squeek of the pedal.
Maggie is flying home to Miami in a few weeks, and has to keep spinning, so all the fibres will fit into her suitcase!