Sunday, 9 November 2008


We had a marvelous skills swap on Saturday at the Pump House Gallery Smoke Fayre. It turned out the Wandsworth Fire Brigade are keen on knitting.  One of them had just knitted a cardigan for his baby son.  Louise taught them how to cable plumes of smoke, as Chris is doing here in the photo, and I demonstrated plying with Angora 'smoke'.
In return the guvnor Larry showed us all the tools, including the new battering ram, which was in action on Friday night to break down the door of a fourth floor flat, where a bedroom had caught on fire. 
It was difficult to knit with them in their oxygen masks, because we couldn't hear what they were saying, but it was strangely endearing at the same time. 
Chris was modeling a brand new oxygen mask which still had it's peel back cover on the lens, but when he took it off we saw he had lovely blue eyes.  Chris has only been a fireman for a year, so he still takes a bit of flack down at the station, but he seemed like a fully developed fireman to us.  
Big love to firemen everywhere.


....the Prick Your Finger Smokey Handspun Collection.  It's thick, dark, smokey and warm. Made with Alpacca and Shetland with whisps of Smokey Angora and silk toile, right here, in the window of our shop, as we gazed at heavy October/November skies.
Carding by Louise, spinning by Rachael, photo by Rosemary, make up by MAC at the Pump House Gallery Smoke Fayre.