Friday 15 August 2008


Pom Pom International can change your world. Like most people, I meet conflicts which can take a while to resolve. When I first met Amy Lamé,  I wanted to fix a problem I've had for ages....DUST.  Amy is an inspirational host. I love to welcome people, find out how they are, have a good time, serve drinks, and do domestic things,  but somehow, I'm not proud enough to dust.
 I don't see dust, and I don't see why I should have to see dust either. Reassurance came when I watched the 'Naked Civil Servant' a film about Quentin Chrisp, where he explains that after four years of not dusting,  dust will not get any thicker, and you can live in peace. I can live in peace, but not when people come to stay or when we have a party.

A dusting outfit seems to have done the trick.  Rachael does not dust, but this lady does.  She has Pom Poms on her head  made out of dusty Herdwick, scraps and ripped up dusters, and her head scarf is made from 3 dusters stitched together. Her make up is by Mac and her pinny is converted by Barbara's mother from a shirt of Barbara's father's. 

The cleaning lady might be coming round this weekend. 

Thank you to Amy and Mark Chilvers of the Sunday Times for sending this picture.

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