Wednesday 25 March 2009


This Friday evening is 'Mad Hatters' at the V&A, to accompany the Stephen Jones exhibition. I was chosen, along with some other designers to make an Easter Bonnet out of I-D Magazine. Louise, Rosemary and Zara, helped me shred and card all the paper a few weeks ago, and then I spun a yarn, and knitted a bonnet which you can come and see, along with lots of other fantastic bonnets including one by Tatty Devine and Rob Ryan, and all the other Mad Hatters.
Why are Hatters Mad? Well we were just discussing it, and it seems that Lewis Carrol made them mad, but really it was the mercury they used in the hat moulds at the millener's Luton, turned all the hat makers mad. What a shame. I hope to see you on Friday.

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